Get a free 'Website Transformation Plan'

Insane amounts of dream customers through your website

A timeless website strategy that delivers new leads and customers

A complete roadmap with more ideas than your brain can handle

Know exactly what you need to work on to increase your online profits

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Are you finding it difficult to consistently get customers from your website?

Of course, it is no longer a secret that the Internet offers enormous opportunities for growth. In practice, we see many entrepreneurs struggling to seize those opportunities.

There is countless information on how to "get more customers. Perhaps you are so influenced by all the different strategies and methods that you also try all kinds of things to find that successful online formula. Which is exactly why you are never going to find the winning formula.

A strategy that doesn't cost you time & money, but saves money and time.

Indeed, the right formula is to focus on a simple, clear proven strategy.

This is what we can help you with. Finally never again uncertainty about where your next customer will come from! No reinventing the wheel or drowning in all the possibilities but following one strategy concretely and to the point. Make the growth of your business fun, predictable and authentic again.

We like to show you a simple, proven and sustainable way to get new customers whenever you want.

No headache customers who want to be in the front row for a dime and disrespect your process....

Good customers, who respect you, who follow your process, who pay on time. Customers you'd want a hundred of.

And before you think, 'Here you have some marketing guru again who is going to lecture me. Some so-called 'online expert' who is going to tell me that everything I do is wrong and that I should follow his proven method.'

If so, please read on. Because then we will gladly prove you wrong.

After all, it doesn't get any better than this!

We give you a complete personalized roadmap completely free of charge to attract more ideal clients and get more profits from your website.

Doesn't that sound absolutely gorgeous?! ;)

In this conversation, we share the full strategy to get concrete results with your website. You can use the same strategy as a guide for your own website, just like our clients.

Don't worry. We're not going to sell you anything. You don't have to overhaul your entire website. We'll give you concrete tips that you can apply in the short term.

Be inspired by what we have created.

Check out our clients' website transformations.

Brands and organizations grow with HappyDigital as a creative partner. This is how we make the world more beautiful. But our best work is yet to come. Shall we create it together?

204% growth in leads
WIR is a major player in the electric charging station market.
50% growth in conversion
With online business lending, BridgeFund helps countless entrepreneurs every day.
387% growth in conversion
Peakclub helps entrepreneurs optimize their productivity.
134% growth in conversion
SHARK SUPs focuses on manufacturing and selling SUP board products.
€8,791 revenue in 2 months
We helped leadership coach Saya generate additional revenue from a website launch.
250% growth in sales
Daniel Christian Cosmetics sells quality and stylish skincare for men.

Good to know.

Questions & Answers

What exactly does HappyDigital do?

We'll look exactly at your business and your situation. We will look at the traffic leading to your website or social media profiles and determine which platforms you can best use for your purpose and situation. We'll look at your target audience, your offerings, your copywriting, content and make sure we set up the perfect balance between cost and results.

Why do you guys give away so much value for free?

Good question! We do so for a simple reason:

It is partly because we are fed up with all the marketing lies and quacks in almost every industry over the past few years. False promises, manipulative marketing tricks, bogus discounts...

All to milk out short-term customers to the max. While the 'average consumer' has developed his or her bullshit radar better and better over the years.

Our mission is therefore not just to help entrepreneurs simply get more 'customers' and 'profit'.

The origin of what we do can already be found in our name 'HappyDigital'.

Our vision is to make people happy on a digital level.Not a weak offer that you pay for because a devious salesman promises you golden mountains.

No, guiding you in your own process. So that you do not blindly copy what hundreds of others have already done.

That is also what our slogan ''More profit in your own way'' embraces.

We believe in a new generation, in the new economy that in our eyes is based on transparency, self-development and strong guidance.

What's the catch?

I can very well imagine you're thinking that! Seems too good to be true.... And if you look at the offer, it is indeed true that you get a lot while we offer it for free. And you are not used to that in our society and in the online world (with all the 'High-end' programs, €997 courses from marketing gurus).

We have also found that a lot of hot air is sold online.... And that is precisely one of our biggest motivations to make relevant, valuable knowledge and guidance with an affordable price (market-based) available to more entrepreneurs. So that no matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey you can also use the right knowledge and tools to grow your business.

We sat down at the drawing board and found a form where we can do this in a scalable way. Where this is made possible. And on top of that, you can now get to know our methods and quality for free.

Can the strategy I learn be applied in my niche?

Yes (especially if you are an (online) entrepreneur with a service-oriented service/product and you help people develop financially, relationally, personally or professionally).Sure, your niche may have its quirks.... but a human brain is still a human brain. 🧠

Strategy focuses on core psychological principles that can be applied anywhere. Looking only at competitors or one industry is a common mistake.

In today's world, if you want to meet the rising expectations of users, you need to:

- Look at different industries
- Understand the underlying psychology that explains why specific strategies and tactics work...
and then adapt them to your target audience. That's where real breakthroughs happen.

What might the Website Transformation Session be about?

In the Website Transformation Session, we can start to find the answers to questions like:

"How do I get people to click through on my homepage?"
"What is a smart menu structure for my website?"
"How do I set up a good automated mail series?"
"Can my sales page be better?"

But we can also go a layer deeper:

You're unsure about the proposition on your site and in your marketing
You're struggling with your offer and your form of delivery
You don't have your customer's problem in focus......
and are therefore uncertain about the value of your solution

How do I know that I will earn back my investment?

That's simple; Because we provide you with the guarantee that if you apply our advice and strategies correctly, you will 100% earn back your investment within 30 days. And if you don't achieve this within 30 days? Then we will work together until you have earned back your investment and have a system in place to consistently generate profits.